Wednesday, 27 August 2014


What am I undecided about...whether to persevere with the blog, give it away altogether or maybe even start a completely new one. A fresh new start...decisions decisions. I feel like any loyal readers (however few they may have been) I have probably lost due to my irregularity of posts...and maybe my content. I don't know how interesting it would be reading about my daily life for others when I don't find it terribly interesting myself! 

Blogging has taken a bit of a back seat of late as I have been busy indulging my other creative interests. I have recently started playing around with watercolours, I am a complete novice and have no idea what I am doing but I have really enjoyed it and gotten some good feedback on Instagram (to which I am totally addicted). 

I still love snail mail and the entire community of creative types it has introduced me to (via Instagram) which inspired me to get in touch with my creative side. I have always been more on the arty farty side (and a bit of a bookworm) but that side of me had been dormant for awhile and I love that it has been awakened. 

So my last post way back when was just before I went to Melbourne for 2 nights. It was great, just what I needed but went way too fast...ha. I was busy catching up with people and attending Unleash Creative (such a fabulous event, for those in Australia if you ever get the chance to go to one you totally should!) so I didn't get as much of a chance to wander around and explore/take photos. I do have some pics of the projects I made at UC and a couple of others to share, plus just some photos in general of what I've been up to lately...

Drinks with girlfriends up at the Q1 bar

What a view, gotta love the GC

On my way to Melbourne

Unleash Creative - Making cute things with Fablefolk

Check out the spread...delicious

How adorable are those little watermelon cupcakes!

Making feathers with Made by Mosey

Cafe art

Getting crafty with paper and the fabulous Papered Thoughts

Push Pop Mousse...need I say more?!

Getting my embroidery on with the fabulous Dandelyne

Coffee...there had to be at least one shot 

Leaving on a jet plane, amazing sunset

Washi tape...totally addictive

Watercolour watermelon by moi

More washi, you can never have enough

Words and watercolour...such a lovely combination

My first ever Totoro, I love him

Ok I will have to leave it there as the kids have gone in to my ensuite and closed the door, never a good sign...they are surely up to no good. Off to assess the damage...

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