Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Terrible mean terrible Threes, right?

So apparently it is a well known fact that it is in fact the terrible threes and apparently they magically come good at four. Although I get the feeling I might get to that and be told something different, plus it still means I have a whole year of this trying behaviour ahead of me. Serenity now...

My son isn't a bad kid, in fact he can be rather adorable at times. It is mostly just me that he puts it on for, he just does not listen and repeatedly does things he knows are naughty and has been told off for before. I just feel like I am getting more affected by it of late and finding dealing with it difficult. I am sure I have added quite a few more greys to my hair and my blood pressure must surely be elevated at times. I need to come up with a better solution because what I'm doing isn't working and I need to keep my sanity. 

Hubby suggested we get a time out mat last night, it is worth a shot...I'm just not sure how I will go having to enforce it and what will likely be me putting him back on it a million times. Has anyone had any success with some tried and tested methods? I am open to suggestions...

I did manage to get away for a couple of hours Saturday morning, I needed it. 

Here is how I spent my downtime.

Here are some more random pics of late-

This was my lovely 'happy mail' gift from my swap partner in a recent project 
run by Rin over at Papered Thoughts

It was her who inspired me to get in to penpal'ing (totally a word) in the first place and I am loving it.

Just to show how cute the little wee peg is, nawww. I sent this off recently to a penpal.

in this envelope that I made below 

We went for a swim last weekend (well hubby and the kids did, I watched from the side...not a fan of cold water). Our daughter is quite the water baby and delighted in jumping in off the side to dad. 

A pretty dusk picture

Burleigh Beach this past Sunday, such a gorgeous spot

Looking from the Point out towards Surfers Paradise

Daddy and Son checking out the waves

It was a super busy day, this was around 9.30-10am Sunday morning

Couldn't resist throwing this in, he fell asleep in the washing pile on cute. 

I know it probably sounds like I'm complaining a lot of late, I think I'm just feeling a bit drained. I need to buck up and be happy...I have a hell of lot to be grateful for and I should count my blessings, I will. Take care all :)

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