Timing is a bitch though, I woke up with a dodgy belly and feeling like crap. I had wanted to make the most of our child free time (minds out of the gutter thank-you). We still went to a BBQ at our friends place that we had already planned to go to, I just wasn't able to eat or drink really which was a shame. We ended up leaving early so I could come home for a sleep, I just had no energy. We had dinner reservations that we had to cancel cause I just wasn't up to it. I did manage to drag my sorry ass out of bed later though so we could go out for a bite to eat, we just came straight back home afterwards and I went straight back to bed.
It was nice to have a solid block of uninterrupted sleep though, I had forgotten what that was like. I initially woke up and looked at the clock (5.45am)...oh hell no, back to sleep. Ended up getting up around 7.30am ish but considering I'd been in bed since 9pm I think that was a good innings.
We went for a coffee and small bite to eat before going to pick up the kids, we were both keen to pick them up but it wasn't until almost 10am. They were excited to see us but I think my son wanted to stay cause he had been having such a good time. It makes me feel better knowing that they are enjoying themselves so much that they don't really think to miss us. Plus my sister said that she couldn't fault them, they were both so well behaved. Good to know that at least they behave for other people, ha.
They were both still shattered so home for a sleep for the both of them so Monday was a little wasted, I didn't mind so much though because my stomach was still off.
Back to normality today but at least it is a short week :)
Also I can't remember if I had previously mentioned but I am booked in to get all my hair chopped off this Saturday. I always say I am going to try and grow it long but I just do not have the patience to get it to the length that I want. I get bored and I don't do anything with it when it is longer anyway, it looks a bit more stylish when it is short so I am really looking forward to it.
Hope everyone else had a great long weekend (well those of us in Oz) :)