Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Feeling HOT HOT HOT...

It was a balmy 32 degrees here on the GC today and boy am I feeling the heat. I'm not struggling or anything but it is just getting used to that sort of weather again. I love summertime but I am not so much a fan of the sweat and general uncomfortable 'ness that comes with it. I wonder if the fact that it is already so hot so soon means it is going to be a scorcher come summertime.

So today I was THAT mother...the one whose kid (my son) barfs absolutely everywhere while out at the shops (thankfully it was at the food court and not in an actual shop). He was munching on chips and had a) stuffed too much in his mouth (as they do) and b) probably had one trigger his gag reflex and then it was on for young and old...kind of reminiscent of the exorcist. Ok I am probably over exaggerating somewhat but it was ALOT. I am also grateful for the fact that I had a spare outfit for him in the nappy bag, which I usually forget so praise Jeebus. He was absolutely fine and dandy afterwards although he has a cough that has been rather persistent (and annoying I have to admit) today, it doesn't sound nasty or like there is anything to it...I'm hoping it will bugger off and not wake him up through the night.

Gosh there are some cute Summer outfits out at the moment that I was eyeing off for my daughter, I may have to go back once my husband gets paid. I have also changed my daughters room around a little and added a few little bits and pieces, there is a photo below of one of the items I brought for her room last weekend. I am also waiting for a wall decal that I ordered for her room to arrive, of which I will share a pic once it arrives and I've put it up.

Delicious coffee, this was at a cafe in Burleigh called Canteen...they do good coffee!

The Mystery Machine...I wonder if it was those pesky kids?! Ha

Our new welcome mat, I rather like it :)

The little trinket box I got for my daughters room, too cute. 

Till next time xo

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