Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Hit & Miss

So last week I had good intentions of starting a proper routine...

Then I went and got sick! So I have been a bit slack in sticking to it, but I have implemented changes and as the title has been hit and miss.

Sometimes when I have a 'win' I think it is just a fluke, it is not always repeated. Lately I have been successful in getting him re-settled after the first sleep cycle to go back down for a second (without having to pick him up). It doesn't work every time but I am still claiming it.

Overnight is still a dismal failure, the last few nights he has been waking every couple of hours (thank-god I haven't put him in his cot yet, that would have been really exhausting). It is made even harder by the fact that I am not feeling 100% at the moment.

I hope it is just a phase...

In other news, I wanted to share a cute poem I came across the other day:

I am your parent, you are my child
I am your quiet place, you are my wild

I am your calm face, you are my giggle
I am your wait, you are my wiggle

I am your dinner, you are my chocolate cake
I am your bedtime, you are my wide awake

I am your lullaby, you are my peekaboo
I am your goodnight kiss, you are my I love you

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