Thursday, 28 November 2013

Those cupcakes are like crack...or what I assume crack would be like ;)

I can't stop eating them, they are just too yummy. So I decided to give a heads up that when I make some more for my daughters 1st birthday party I will do a blog post on you can all get fat on cupcakes with me, ha.

Today was a good day for kindy drop off for my son, no tears and a kiss goodbye and he ran off to play...that is unheard of here. I was pleasantly surprised, I hope this is an ongoing trend. It is horrible when he gets upset and wants to come home with us, even though I know it only takes a couple of minutes and he is fine. 

So I have decided to wait until Saturday to put up the tree, because hubby sent me a text yesterday saying it would be nice to do it together as a family on the weekend. I agree, although the anal side of me is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to placing the ornaments on the tree just so...I'm not sure I will handle the kids having at it, ha. I will more than likely go back later and rearrange it...just like I do when my husband stacks the dishwasher (badly). Here is a funny e-card I came across on pinterest that made me laugh:

Right, I best be off to get stuff done around the house and try and fit some study in.

Take Care,

K xx

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Snail Mail Love

I have recently discovered the 'snail mail revolution', otherwise known as penpals and I am loving it, such a great way to get creative and get to know some awesome people. I have always been a bit stationery obsessed and love a chance to get crafty and use cute stickers and pretty washi tape and what not. I consider myself to be on the creative side, but you should see just how incredibly talented some people are though. There is one blog/person that I follow who inspired me to get into it in the first place. Rin of Papered Thoughts, you should check out her blog, maybe it will inspire you too.

My 20 year old niece said it was boring so maybe it is still considered a bit daggy to the younger generation but I am really enjoying it. I don't care if it's not the cool/in thing, I like it...I tend to dance to the beat of my own drum anyways ;)

Today I was craving something sweet and there wasn't anything in the house so I decided to whip up some cupcakes, they were delish if I do say so myself...really fluffy and moist. I rather enjoy baking but I try not to do it all the time because I eat the end product and too much of a good thing is never good. Especially now that I am no longer breastfeeding, that was my saviour for losing the baby weight. I'm not burning those extra calories now so will have to start reigning in my eating habits, I really ought to do some form of exercise...I've been so lazy. Maybe since we are so close to the new year and what with so much indulgence coming up, I will try and start fresh in the new year.

Do you guys have New Years Resolutions? I try not to really make any promises, most people never keep them anyway. I don't smoke, barely drink...I don't really have any vices that I need to quit (unless you count biting your nails, shocker), I guess it is more little goals that I would like to achieve, hopes and things for the year. I'm not really sure just yet what I want my goals to be next year, it all seems so uncertain at this point...who knows whats in store.

Oh I know one thing, I would like to learn how to sew properly...I got a sewing machine this year and I have made little crafty things here and there but I'm yet to try and make some clothes on my own. I want to figure it out and start using it more.

It's funny how the older you get the more you get in to all those things you considered a bit nana 'ish when you were younger. Sewing, Baking, Crocheting/Knitting (need to learn those too)/Gardening...yup, totally getting older.

I am hanging for the 1st Dec so I can put the Christmas tree up and decorate the house all christmassy (love all that stuff), I am torn between sticking with the tradition I started for myself of putting it all up on the 1st or in my impatience just saying to hell with it and do it already. I am having a mental to and fro with myself...ha

Nearly time to pick the boy up from kindy, he will be most pleased to discover that mummy did some baking today :)

Much Love,

K xx

Saturday, 23 November 2013

My lovely lady lumps?!

Are no more...seriously, why did no one warn me that my boobs would deflate once I'd finished breastfeeding? I always had decent sized boobs and now it seems that my daughter has somehow sucked the life out of them. I'm not happy, plus I know the older I get that gravity will be even more unkind. If I had money I would seriously consider doing something about it. 

They aren't completely gone, they have just lost their fullness and look a little sad...which makes me sad, I used to think I had a decent rack. Now I will depend upon the trickery of push-up and padded bras to make the girls look good. You are probably rolling your eyes at me for whinging about my boobs (or lack thereof now) but I had to share how I was feeling. I'm sure there are others that can relate. 

On a positive note, now that my daughter is weaned I have more freedom...not that I am yet to do anything with that freedom but still, it's there. It happened a little sooner than I had planned, the little minx kept biting the same spot...repeatedly, till she did it rather badly one night and it was too painful to feed from. I was actually surprised at how easily she weaned, took to the bottle like a champ. Made life a bit easier, her brother never did so I was a little apprehensive. 

We are off to a fairy princess party tomorrow, should be fun :) I like kids birthday parties, the food is the best! Cupcakes come at me...

We are off to breakfast with my lovely mother-in-law tomorrow morning, she truly is the best. We are lucky to have her, I only hope she knows just much we truly appreciate her. I will have to think of something sweet to do to show her. 

I'm just waiting for my coffee to kick in so I can get motivated to get up and do stuff around the house, it's never ending. Whoever said two things in life are certain, death and taxes...clearly forgot about housework!


K xo

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Hello my old friend

Sorry for my tardiness, I was having computer issues and decided to take a little unscheduled hiatus.

The time away was good, I think I was getting too caught up in the numbers game and less focused on the reason for starting this whole thing to begin with. To be able to have a space where I could come and pour it all out...the frustrations, the triumphs, the mundane and the joyful.

I am still not 100% refreshed but I'm hoping to make a fresh start in the new year, a clean slate so to speak. So for those of you that have stuck around in my quiet period, thank-you. I look forward to sharing the journey ahead, I hope I don't bore you.

I live a fairly simply life, I am a wife and a mother. I'm not working at the moment so my kids are my everything...I sometimes feel as though I lack anything to contribute in an adult conversation. When people ask me what I've been up to it is typically same 'ol same 'ol. I love my kids though and I know that I will miss being around like this when I go back to work. I am guilty of not always appreciating how lucky I am to be at home with them, as people always say 'they are only little once'.

I was actually having a conversation with my sister the other day saying I am going to go back to work (look for work) sometime next year. She thinks I should stay at home until the kids are school age, that just isn't me. I am someone that likes working, I enjoy it and I have missed it...not that I am wishing away my time with my children, no doubt it will be hard when the time comes. Not only that, we need me to be working if we are to get ahead. I think she thinks I am selfish, I actually think it will make me feel more like me again and I will appreciate the quality time I would spend with them even more so. Time will tell how it will work out, nothing is changing at the moment.

Not long now until my daughter's 1st birthday, I am amazed at how fast that time has gone...she was just a baby in my arms what feels like only yesterday. I have enjoyed watching her grow and develop into this little pocket rocket of fire and cheekiness, cuddly cuteness and impatience. Her laugh always makes me laugh, gosh I love her to bits.

My son is growing more in to a little man every day as well, he is constantly astounding me with the things he comes out with. He is such a smart boy but boy does he like to challenge me sometimes, we are both as stubborn as each other. He did something the other day that made me melt though, out of the blue he just came up and wrapped his arms around me and said 'I love you mummy', I'll be damned if I didn't get a lump in my throat.

So while I might bitch and moan to you all here sometimes, know this...I love my kids with my entire being and I would do anything for them. As mums we all know that we have our good days and bad, but at the end of the day you wouldn't change them for the world.

I hope wherever in the world you are that you are having a good day, tell your kids you love them and give them a can never do it too much.

Much Love,

K x